Sunday, February 24, 2013

Healing Crystal Layouts and Grids for Healing

There are many ways in which to use crystals, and the two that are used primarily in healing are grids and layouts. There are many different types of grids and layouts using different crystals.

Grids are a number of crystals arranged into a particular geometric form creating a particular energy field. The crystals are either placed on you or around you or a combination of both as you lay on the floor. You can also sit in a grid that doesn't require crystals to be placed on your body.

You can also use grids around your bed or even to protect your home. They are not only for your personal healing. By placing them around your bed this can protect you from geopathic stress or electromagnetic smog. Also, placing them around your bed they stimulate your immune system as you sleep. You spend a lot of time in bed so what better time to let the crystals help you? You will get hours of healing and protection, perhaps more than you would when laying or sitting in a grid.

But if you've not done this before you must start off slowly as your body may not be able to support the energy generated. Spending 10 minutes at the beginning is more than enough time to help you get started.

Labradorite Crystal Chakra Layout Plate
When you form a grid for healing yourself the crystals must be of equal strength and size and they are placed on the ground. They must, of course, be programmed before you use them.

When using a layout of crystals on your body it is a good idea to get someone to place the crystals on your body for you.

The most commonly used crystal grid is the Star of David grid. You may have seen it being called the Seal of Solomon but the two are one and the same.

This grid is based on a 6-pointed star. One triangle pointing upwards and the other downward. The upward pointing triangle represents Yin and the downward triangle, Yang. Where the two triangles intersect represents the center point where the two forces of duality, the Yin and Yang energies merge in balance.

If your main goal is to energize yourself or give yourself a boost, or strengthen your immune system, then 6 quartz crystals should be used at the star's points and an amethyst on your body.

This particular grid is one that you can use to balance your chakras, and in this case all the crystals will be those associated with your 7 main chakras.

1 comment:

  1. The root chakra is greatly affected by the hematite, onyx, ruby or garnet gemstones. During chakra healing a practitioner may use one or all of these chakra stones to cleanse your root chakra and bring it into harmony.

    Ilchi Lee
