Monday, February 11, 2013

Healing Crystal Gifts and Wishes for Valentine's Day

Rose Quartz Heart

In a month filled with inclement weather, this week comes as a welcome break, filled with love and emotion for men and women. When it comes to healing crystals, the list of alternatives for producing healing and love energy for women in particular is long.  Here are some of the healing crystal gemstones that are ideal for helping resolve women's issues and help them to lead more productive, loving lives.


Amber is very soothing and calming to the nerves. It can lighten a negative outlook and encourage you to take life less seriously. It promotes fidelity in relationships. As a self-healing stone, amber guides the emotions into a clearer mental outlook and to take greater responsibility for one's choices in life. It is also excellent for soothing emotions during post-operative care.


Amethyst purifies and transmutes negativity. Amethyst provides protection and balance during transition periods. It reduces the feeling of being victimized, giving you a spiritual perspective on life's circumstances. The lavender amethyst relates to the Heart Chakra, to open and lighten up a betrayed heart and to heal the sense of loss of life and innocence. The blue-red amethyst promotes a deep spiritual connection between one's self and one's life challenges, supporting the challenge one has taken on, giving patience and calmness despite overwhelming odds. The chevron amethyst (banded white and purple) helps peel off old karmic patterns to promote self-love and the ability to get along with others especially with one's soul mate or family members.


Obsidian allows for tears to be shed, stimulating emotional spontaneity and the release of barriers that prevent you from experiencing deep sorrow. This stone is excellent for transmuting one's own negativity under stressful situations.

Coral - Red Coral

Red Coral quiets the emotions and dispels feelings of despair and despondancy. It encourages a passionate energy, and stimulates and strengthens female reproductive organs through tissue regeneration. This stone enhances blood circulation, and helps purify the kidneys and bladder.


Garnet strengthens the life force. This gemstone is especially good for the restoration of victimized and abused women, helping them reclaim lost power. It promotes regeneration of emotional energy and the acceptance of one's thoughts and emotions. Garnet stabilizes energy devoted to accomplishing one's purpose. It also empowers and strengthens the Root and Solar Chakras. Garnet heightens sexuality and increases fertility.


Jade soothes the emotions and helps keep the peace for community relations. It provides a sense of self-worth, self-sufficiency and capability in dealing with any situation. Jade promotes harmony, balance, and tranquility through emotional detachment. Jade is excellent for recovery after an unpleasant experience.


Jasper facilitates the use of one's own power, calms aggressive energy, and facilitates safety and protection during recovery periods. Red Jasper provides lively fresh energy and reduces feelings of being victimized. Yellow Jasper balances hormones and protects during travel. Green Jasper restores energy and focus during recovery from burnout.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz transmutes emotional negativity at all levels. It enhances meditation and healing by harmonizing and balancing energy fluctuations. Rose Quartz embodies the expression “love conquers all.” It is excellent for calming the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras after situations involving emotional upheaval, chaos, trauma, or crisis. Rose Quartz allows love to come to the wearers who have trouble finding love within themselves to give to either themselves or to others. This is also a great friendship stone to give to someone you care for.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz clears and transmutes negative emotions. This crystal is an excellent stabilizer for mood swings and grounds all kinds of negative energy. It is an excellent crystal to use in times of stress, and to rebuild from emotional burnout by offering protection during the healing period. Smoky Quartz reduces the fear of failure, unblocks self-limitations, and lets you risk trying some new experiences.


Sodalite helps alleviate insomnia caused by an overactive mind. It helps to dispel irrelevant thoughts, provides mental focus, and maintains logical reasoning with regard to emotional upsets. Sodalite promotes issues of trust, enhances companionship and the commonality of goals with others. It is excellent for busy women who have little time for peace, and who need to relax and restore their mental energies. 

Shop all of our healing crystal gemstones for your loved one this week at, and receive a free crystal heart with your order! 

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