Sunday, April 21, 2013

Helpful Tips for Meditating with Healing Crystals

Practicing meditation can be extremely beneficial. It is a safe and simple way to balance a person's physical, emotional, and mental states. Meditating with crystals can bring a new dimension to the practice of meditation.

Citrine Healing Crystal Heart
Before beginning a crystal meditation make sure your have cleansed your crystal.
To begin choose your crystal. Choosing a crystal with fault lines or patterns within it may help you to 'lose yourself' within the crystal while meditating.

Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Hold your chosen crystal or place it in front of you where you can see it clearly. Breath gently. Make each breath out a little longer than the breath in. Look at your crystal; notice its color, pattern, and shape.

Hold your crystal in both hands, close your eyes, and relax. Imagine you are inside your crystal; let yourself move with the flow of the crystal. Let go of worldly thoughts and emotions and move deep into the center of your crystal, imagine you are wandering through it exploring its inner beauty.

When you are ready, slowly allow yourself to come back to physical reality. Put your crystal aside and ground yourself by imagining roots coming from your feet and going down into the ground. Move your toes, shake your hands, and just sit for a moment reflecting on what you saw and how you felt. You may just want to lie and put your crystal on its associated chakra.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How Your Aura Colors Can Guide Your Life

Do you feel unfulfilled? Are you stuck in a job that is not quite right, or are you in a relationship that is not meeting your needs? Have you lost yourself trying to please others? Are you ready to live a life that is more satisfying and reflects the true you, but you are not sure what that is or how to get there?

This can be the year that you start really living. There is a great way to rediscover yourself and learn how to live your best life. The key to understanding who you are, your life purpose, most fulfilling career, most compatible relationship and more is revealed in your aura (what science refers to as the electromagnetic or energy field that surrounds all living things). The colors of your aura reveal powerful information about you and the path you have chosen for your life.

Your aura colors can reflect your specific personality traits and reveal the different strengths and methods you can use to accomplish your dreams. Once you recognize and acknowledge the true you, you can begin to live your authentic life.

Most people have two main aura colors, so the personality traits of both will apply. These can be complementary qualities, or can potentially cause inner conflict. Learning to honor, accept and live in balance with both will create a more fulfilling life. Here are some of the aura colors and their descriptions.
Aura Colors for Healing

Yellows — Yellows can be shy and sensitive; others are outgoing, playful, energetic, funny, optimistic and free-spirited. Yellows rarely look, feel or act their age. Their life purpose is to enjoy life, spread joy or help others heal. Yellows exercise and eat healthily — although, if they are unfulfilled, they often become addicts. Their best careers are in fields that are either creative (artist, musician, dancer, designer, writer, comedian); healing (doctor, masseuse, veterinarian, etc); or physical (athlete, builder, landscaper, etc.). Yellows need playful, fun-loving partners who are their best friends and can accept their youthful behavior.

Tans — Tans are practical, logical and down to earth. They analyze and calculate the steps they take in life. People often appreciate the calm, levelheaded and sensible nature of tans. They are usually employees, pay their bills on time and make conservative, long-term investments. They value security. Tans tend to keep their feelings to themselves and dislike drama; so they prefer partners who are reliable, calm, rational and stable. Tans are often architects, engineers, bookkeepers, computer programmers and the like.

Greens — Greens are intelligent, quick and usually drawn to money and power. Often found in business, they are movers and shakers, and even workaholics. They are organized, efficient and list-makers. Greens are some of the wealthiest people on the planet. They need projects or businesses to work with; otherwise, they become bored and restless. They are highly competitive and thrive on taking risks. Most fulfilling jobs for them include CEO, stockbroker, banker, realtor, salesperson, organizer, fundraiser, manager, etc. Greens prefer partners who are self-reliant, intellectually stimulating and respectful of them, their money and their work.

Blues — Blues are emotional, nurturing and supportive. Their priorities are love, spirituality and helping others. People usually turn to blues for comfort and counsel. Blues are very loyal to their families and friends, and love to be in love. They live from their hearts and tend to cry easily. They are also very intuitive, even psychic. Blues are often teachers, counselors, nurses, volunteers and caretakers. They need mates who are loyal, caring, kind, emotionally available, faithful and trustworthy.

Violets — Violets are visionaries and are often accused of being unrealistic dreamers. They sense that they have a big purpose — to save the planet, improve the quality of life for people, or inspire or educate the masses. Violets prefer to work for themselves or become leaders. Violets are often famous. They like careers in the media, entertainment, art, music, psychology, teaching, politics, law or causes. They need freedom and travel and to be passionate about life and their work. Without this, they will feel something is missing. Violets need partners who are equals, who share their vision, are inspirational, passionate and can soar with them.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Power and Popularity of Amethyst Healing Crystals

April’s healing crystal birthstone is Clear Quartz. While there are many varieties of quartz crystals, one of the most popular is the Amethyst healing crystal.

Amethyst Healing Crystal Tower
Amethyst is also a variety of Quartz and is a 6th Anniversary gemstone.

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone.  It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm.  Amethyst is also a natural tranquiliser, relieving stress and strain, soothing irritability, balancing mood swings, and dispelling anger, rage, fear and anxiety.  Amethyst healing crystals also alleviate sadness and grief, and dissolve negativity.  It has strong healing and cleansing powers.

Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions.  It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation.  Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams.  It relieves insomnia and encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.

Amethyst relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress.  With all of its positive healing attributes and natural beauty, it is no surprise Amethyst healing crystals are such a popular choice for healing crystal accessories and jewelry.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Enter to Win Your Own Crystal Ball!

Be sure to check out our awesome contest featured on our Facebook page at through April 26 and you can enter to win a Rainbow Obsidian Crystal Ball by entering to win at the page at this link: The crystal ball is valued at $165, and is pictured below. Our contest ends April 26, 2013.
Obsidian helps to protect the very sensitive against depression. It is the stone of the soft-hearted, and gentle people of the world. Use obsidian to help block negativity of any kind. It's a wonderful healing crystal gemstone, and makes a beautiful crystal ball.  Good luck!

Rainbow Obsidian Crystal Ball

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Crystal Healing and Aura Cleansing

There are various ways to get balanced; one method is crystal healing. Crystal healing is a soft, gentle, easy and natural way to balance our body on all levels--emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.

Amethyst Healing Crystal Cluster
Each crystal has a unique vibrational resonance. They owe their qualities to their mineral content, their inherent geometry and the colour frequency they emit. The human body has its own frequencies as well, that change according to the state we are in.

The body has a complex electromagnetic system and around it, we find a structure, also known as the aura. Within this auric field we find our chakras, which are like spinning wheels of energy. Because crystals are known to be perfect electromagnetic conductors, they are capable of interacting with the aura, the chakras or on a more physical or emotional level. By placing the crystals on the body you can reach a sympathetic resonance.

Another thing you can do with crystals is aura cleansing; a quick way to clean, vitalize and seal the aura. Learn more about healing crystals to assist you with aura healing.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Seventh Chakra: The Crown Chakra

 The Seventh Chakra or Crown Chakra is situated on the top of the head or crown area. This chakra is represented by the colors violet or white, and is the foundation of our spiritual body, linking us to creation.

The Crown Chakra influences spiritual will, inspiration, idealism, and celestial knowledge, and it is our connection with the universe. This chakra physically influences the cerebral cortex, cerebrum, central nervous system, glands and the pineal gland, pituitary gland and hormones related to them.

Amethyst Healing Crystal Cluster
When our Crown Chakra is balanced, we are released from ego driven desires, and are able to trust in our highest self. If this chakra is not working properly, we will experience reduced self-confidence, creating fear and anxiety.

When open, this chakra feels as if there is a small amount of pressure, pulling or tugging at the crown of the head. The balance of the previous six chakras affects the balance of the Seventh Chakra.

We can help to balance this chakra by spending quiet time in meditation and connecting with our inner selves.

Healing crystals that work to help open and balance the Crown Chakra include amethyst, alexandrite, purple fluorite, sugilite, quartz crystal, and selenite.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Sixth Chakra: Third Eye

"Ajna" is the Sanskrit word for the Sixth or Third Eye Chakra. It means "beyond wisdom." It has also been translated to mean "the perception center."

The Sixth Chakra is located between, and just above, the eyes. It is often referred to as the Third Eye. This chakra deals with visualization, intuition, imagination and telepathy.

The emotion for the Third Eye Chakra is "knowing", an intuitive type of knowing. When this chakra is dominant, one may have clairvoyant abilities, making them able to see things that others can't.

Amethyst Healing Crystal Pyramid
When the energy of the Sixth Chakra is excessive, it can cause headaches, hallucinations, difficulty in concentrating, and even nightmares.
By supporting the energy of the Sixth Chakra we are supporting our natural intuitive abilities.

The Third Eye Chakra is also called the Ajna Chakra. In Sanskrit, Ajna means order and control. The Sixth Chakra functions like a coordinator of the five chakras below it. When the five chakras beneath have been transformed, then the sixth becomes a coordinator of sorts to make sure all is working well within us.

However, when the Third Eye Chakra has an impurity of its own it can become more controlling.

When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced we experience high mental ability, we are able to separate between reality and imagination and best combine logic and emotion. When the chakra is unbalanced we experience fatigue, day dreaming, sleep problems, lack of assertiveness, inability to listen to others, and may even often feel disoriented.

Healing crystals for the Third Eye Chakra include amethyst,