Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How Healing Crystals and Chakras Work

Many mysteries surround the energy currents of the body. Much confusion, and even fear, arises when metaphysical topics enter mainstream discussions. Largely, this is due to the fact that fear is simply a symptom of uncertainty about the unknown. Understanding healing crystals and their function can help to lift the veil of fear and doubt surrounding this practice.

Healing crystals work to absorb negativity and cleanse energy centers of the body. The seven main energy centers, or chakras, determine the sense of balance that an individual feels. A chakra that is clouded or closed represents an area of life that is presenting difficulties. The ability to identify and remedy the chakra problem can subsequently support a re-balance in life challenges, and ultimately help to eradicate the problems altogether when understanding healing crystals improves.

Chakras can be envisioned as seven individually colored pinwheels. Each should be spinning evenly in a positive and open direction: not too slowly or too quickly. If compared, however, the root and first chakra should spin more slowly than the seventh crown chakra.

Aligning with the spinal column, from the coccyx to the top of the head, the chakras are positioned at relatively equal intervals from one another. Their color vibration is said to radiate out from center to front and back. The color of each chakra has complements in its counterpart crystals.
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The root chakra embraces the color red, which represents things fundamental such as food and shelter and materialistic pursuits. Next, the sacral chakra embodies orange: sexuality, confidence, and creativity, just below the navel. Yellow of the solar plexus chakra glows out from beneath the lowest central portion of the ribcage. Ego, passions, anger, energy and strength come from this place.

Green or pink symbolize the heart chakra and love, located in the center of the chest. The throat chakra’s blue hue is responsible for the literal and figurative voice. Indigo and the third eye incorporate vision, success, and higher understanding. The crown chakra, at the top of the head, embodies the purple or white pure state of enlightenment and wisdom.

Laying of crystals on the energy centers is said to purge the negativity and align the energy flow. Understanding healing crystals in this way can yield better life outcomes, reduce frustration, and promote an overall sense of well-being.

1 comment:

  1. There are 7 main ones located through the central line of the body from the tailbone up to the top of the head with many more above and below this and in the joints of the body. The colors of the 7 main or central chakras follow the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, & Violet.

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